Monday 4 July 2016

UNISA MNG3701 and MNG3702 - The degree killer

If you are contemplating doing a bachelor of science (BSc) with a mix of business modules to complement your computer science degree at UNISA (University of South Africa), be cautious of the modules MNG3701 and MNG3702. These 2 honors styled business modules are the most difficult modules I and many other students have had to prepare for. They are difficult for the wrong reasons owing to the implementation and the kind of examination administered, the short comings of which are a topic all on their own. It is still a new module and the lecturers are ironing out the issues and I am sure the issues will be resolved in time.

However, in its current form, it is very very demanding. If you are aiming to finish a degree with a mix of business and computer science - considered sticking to pure computer science or engineering in an effort guard yourself from this "degree killer" as it has been termed. It is not unusual for students to fail this module, sometimes two or three times despite working very hard in their own capacity to pass. For business students, I imagine this kind of module is a business students thing and I wish the student all the best of luck considering the pure business curriculum would have prepared the student to write and think in the required way for passing the modules.

For more information - look at the UNISA Stdy Notes Wiki forums for an idea of what to expect. Pay attention to the feedback.

My strategy for passing these 2 modules was to book 5 days off for each module and rewrite questions again and again in an effort "brainwash" myself that I love business management. It worked and managed to keep my average and earn a distinction for my degree.

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