Monday 7 March 2016

Standby Trail Report

This post will show you how to setup a standby database trail report.

The setup is based on 3 standby databases, each one checked and reported on how far behind they trail their live production counter part.


1. Access to Task Scheduler (or cron for Linux)
2. A from address from a recognized mail server within your domain.
3. A home folder to deploy the scripts
4. A log and sql folder created within the folder in step 3
5. Download UnixUtils – the 20+ unix utilities adapted for windows-in particular: cat.exe


1. Open up command prompt (cmd) and execute the following – adjust root location if need be
mkdir E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind
mkdir E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind\log
mkdir E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind\sql
cd E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind

2. Create a file called mail.vbs inside E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind. Copy the following and paste into the file
'Grab the parameters
from_address = WScript.Arguments(0)
to_address = WScript.Arguments(1)
subject = WScript.Arguments(2)
file = WScript.Arguments(3)

'Set the file reading variables
Const ForReading = 1
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Set the mail properties
SMTPServer = ""
Recipient = to_address
From = from_address
Subject = subject

'Create the mail object
GenericSendmail SMTPserver, From, Recipient, Subject, Message
Sub GenericSendmail (SMTPserver, From, Recipient, Subject, Message)
Message = fso.OpenTextFile(file,ForReading).ReadAll

'Assisgn the values to our mail object and send the mail off
set msg = WScript.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
msg.From = From
msg.To = Recipient
msg.Subject = Subject
msg.TextBody = Message
msg.Configuration.Fields ("") = SMTPServer
msg.Configuration.Fields("") = 2
End Sub

3. Create a file called report_hours_behind.bat and paste the following into it. Set the variables in yellow to what you want:
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

set ORACLE_HOME=E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1
set PATH=E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind\;%ORACLE_HOME%\bin;%PATH%;C:\Windows\System32
set LOG_DIR=E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind\logs
set SQL_DIR=E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind\sql

echo . > %LOG_DIR%\standby_hours_behind_report.log

sqlplus /nolog @%SQL_DIR%\standby_hours_behind.sql %LOG_DIR% %ORACLE_SID%
cat %LOG_DIR%\standby_hours_behind_%ORACLE_SID%.log >> %LOG_DIR%\standby_hours_behind_report.log

set ORACLE_SID=DBNAME2sqlplus /nolog @%SQL_DIR%\standby_hours_behind.sql %LOG_DIR% %ORACLE_SID%
cat %LOG_DIR%\standby_hours_behind_%ORACLE_SID%.log >> %LOG_DIR%\standby_hours_behind_report.log

sqlplus /nolog @%SQL_DIR%\standby_hours_behind.sql %LOG_DIR% %ORACLE_SID%
cat %LOG_DIR%\standby_hours_behind_%ORACLE_SID%.log >> %LOG_DIR%\standby_hours_behind_report.log

mail.vbs "SERVERNAME Standby Hours Behind" %LOG_DIR%\standby_hours_behind_report.log

4. Create a file called standby_hours_behind.sql inside the sql folder and paste the following into it:
conn / as sysdba

define p_log_dir='&1'
define p_db='&2'

set echo off
set verify off
set linesize 20
set pages 100

spool &1.\standby_hours_behind.log

PROMPT ===============

select trunc(24*(sysdate-max(first_time)),2) as hours_behind
  from v$log_history;

spool off


4. Copy cat.exe (unixutils) into
E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind or unix utils in your %PATH% location. You need unixutils to take advantage of linux in windows.

5. Create a task scheduler to run twice a day – once at 6am and once at 4pm:

Click start, open stask scheduler

Right click task scheduler library

In the action tab, browse to the bat file location created in step 3

Under the general tab, ensure the task executes with the highest privileges and runs while the user in not logged into the system. Enter a description for the server administrator.

Create 2 schedules – for details on their configuration see the screenshot below.

Schedule the job to run in the morning and afternoon - create 2 schedules on daily repeat

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