This post will show you how to setup a
standby database trail report.
The setup is based on 3 standby databases, each one checked and reported on how far behind they trail their live production counter part.
The setup is based on 3 standby databases, each one checked and reported on how far behind they trail their live production counter part.
1. Access to Task Scheduler (or cron for Linux)
2. A from address from a recognized mail server within your domain.
3. A home folder to deploy the scripts
4. A log and sql folder created within the folder in step 3
5. Download UnixUtils – the 20+ unix utilities adapted for windows-in particular: cat.exe
1. Access to Task Scheduler (or cron for Linux)
2. A from address from a recognized mail server within your domain.
3. A home folder to deploy the scripts
4. A log and sql folder created within the folder in step 3
5. Download UnixUtils – the 20+ unix utilities adapted for windows-in particular: cat.exe
1. Open up command prompt (cmd) and execute the following – adjust root location if need be
mkdir E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind
mkdir E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind\log
mkdir E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind\sql
cd E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind
2. Create a file called mail.vbs inside E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind. Copy the following and paste into the file
'Grab the parameters
1. Open up command prompt (cmd) and execute the following – adjust root location if need be
mkdir E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind
mkdir E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind\log
mkdir E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind\sql
cd E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind
2. Create a file called mail.vbs inside E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind. Copy the following and paste into the file
'Grab the parameters
from_address = WScript.Arguments(0)
to_address = WScript.Arguments(1)
subject = WScript.Arguments(2)
file = WScript.Arguments(3)
'Set the file reading variables
Const ForReading = 1
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set the mail properties
SMTPServer = ""
Recipient = to_address
From = from_address
Subject = subject
'Create the mail object
GenericSendmail SMTPserver, From, Recipient, Subject, Message
Sub GenericSendmail (SMTPserver, From, Recipient, Subject, Message)
Message = fso.OpenTextFile(file,ForReading).ReadAll
'Assisgn the values to our mail object and send the mail off
set msg = WScript.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
msg.From = From
msg.To = Recipient
msg.Subject = Subject
msg.TextBody = Message
("") =
= 2
End Sub
3. Create a file called report_hours_behind.bat and paste the following into it. Set the variables in yellow to what you want:
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
3. Create a file called report_hours_behind.bat and paste the following into it. Set the variables in yellow to what you want:
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
set ORACLE_HOME=E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1
set PATH=E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind\;%ORACLE_HOME%\bin;%PATH%;C:\Windows\System32
set LOG_DIR=E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind\logs
set SQL_DIR=E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind\sql
echo . > %LOG_DIR%\standby_hours_behind_report.log
sqlplus /nolog @%SQL_DIR%\standby_hours_behind.sql %LOG_DIR% %ORACLE_SID%
cat %LOG_DIR%\standby_hours_behind_%ORACLE_SID%.log >>
set ORACLE_SID=DBNAME2sqlplus /nolog @%SQL_DIR%\standby_hours_behind.sql %LOG_DIR% %ORACLE_SID%
cat %LOG_DIR%\standby_hours_behind_%ORACLE_SID%.log >>
sqlplus /nolog @%SQL_DIR%\standby_hours_behind.sql %LOG_DIR% %ORACLE_SID%
cat %LOG_DIR%\standby_hours_behind_%ORACLE_SID%.log >>
mail.vbs "SERVERNAME Standby
Hours Behind" %LOG_DIR%\standby_hours_behind_report.log
4. Create a file called standby_hours_behind.sql
inside the sql folder and paste the following into it:
conn / as sysdba
conn / as sysdba
define p_log_dir='&1'
define p_db='&2'
set echo off
set verify off
set linesize 20
set pages 100
spool &1.\standby_hours_behind.log
PROMPT ===============
trunc(24*(sysdate-max(first_time)),2) as hours_behind
from v$log_history;
spool off
4. Copy cat.exe (unixutils) into E:\oracle\scripts\Report_Standby_Hours_Behind or unix utils in your %PATH% location. You need unixutils to take advantage of linux in windows.
5. Create a task scheduler to run twice a day – once at 6am and once at 4pm:
Click start, open stask scheduler
Right click task scheduler library
Under the general tab, ensure the task executes with the highest privileges and runs while the user in not logged into the system. Enter a description for the server administrator.
Create 2 schedules – for details on their configuration see the screenshot below.
the job to run in the morning and afternoon - create 2 schedules on daily repeat
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